發(fā)起人:eging2  回復數(shù):1  瀏覽數(shù):4848  最后更新:2022/9/28 20:19:57 by nihaota

發(fā)表新帖  帖子排序:
2017/6/14 15:47:22

角  色:管理員
發(fā) 帖 數(shù):1468

  Interest expense tax payment adjustment amount 利息支出納稅調整額
  Entertainment expenses tax adjustment amount 業(yè)務招待費納稅調整額
  Advertising expenditure tax payment adjustment amount 廣告支出納稅調整額
  Tax adjustment for contribution expenditure 贊助支出納稅調整額
  Donations Contributed Tax Adjustment 捐贈支出納稅調整額
  Tax adjustment for depreciation and amortisation expenditure 折舊、攤銷支出納稅調整額
  Loss on bad debts tax payment adjustment amount 壞賬損失納稅調整額
  Provision for bad debts tax payment adjustment amount 壞賬準備納稅調整額
  Penalties paid for late late tax payment 罰款、罰金或滯納金
  Inventory revaluation reserve 存貨跌價準備
  Short term investments depreciation reserve 短期投資跌價準備
  Long term investments depreciation reserve 長期投資減值準備
  Plus other taxable items adjustment 其他納稅調整增加項目
  Less: Deduction for tax adjustment 減:納稅調整減少額
  Including research and development expenses 其中:研究開發(fā)費用附加扣除額
  Other tax deductible items 其他納稅調整減少項目
  After tax adjusted income 納稅調整后所得
  Less: Prior year deficiency 減:彌補以前年度虧損
  Less: tax-exempt income 減:免稅所得
  Including government loan interest income 其中:國債利息所得
  Tax free income subsidy 免稅的補貼收入
  Tax free investment income 免于補稅的投資收益
  Tax free technology transfer income 免稅的技術轉讓收益
  Other tax free income 其他免稅所得
  Taxable Income 應納稅所得額
  Applicable tax rate 適用稅率
  Income tax payable 應繳所得稅額
  Less: amount overpaid at beginning of period 減:期初多繳所得稅額
  Prepaid income tax 已預繳的所得稅額
  Tax allowance for domestic investment 應補稅的境內投資收益的抵免稅額
  Tax allowance for foreign investment 應補稅的境外投資收益的抵免稅額
  Approved income tax reduction 經批準減免的所得稅額
  Taxpayer's representative's seal 納稅人代表簽章
  Taxpayer's unit's seal 納稅人單位公章

2022/9/28 20:19:58

角  色:普通會員
發(fā) 帖 數(shù):10863
當前查看此主題的會員: 1 人。其中注冊用戶 0 人,訪客 1 人。

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